The growing demand for the unconventional vegetable ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata Mill.) has stimulated its cultivation. Nevertheless, the nutritional requirement and the response of the species regarding fertilization are not yet established, especially concerning yield and post-harvest quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of organic and mineral fertilization on production, nutritional composition, bioactive compounds, the antioxidant and sensory activity of ora-pro-nobis in a dense system, and successive harvests. The plants were grown i) without fertilization (control), ii) with mineral fertilization and iii) organic fertilizer: organic compost, in a randomized block design with seven replications. The production analyses occurred at 210, 270 and 330 days after seedling transplanting (DAT). The mineral composition and protein contents in the leaves were evaluated at 210 DAT and 330 DAT, and the biochemical and sensory analyses, at 330 DAT. Mineral fertilization was the most efficient in providing nutrients and increasing the productivity of ora-pro-nobis leaves. When fertilized with mineral fertilizer, ora-pro-nobis presented higher P, K, S, and fiber contents at 210 DAT, and higher values for phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Fertilizers did not alter the protein content and sensory characteristics of the ora-pro-nobis leaves. Mineral fertilization in ora-pro-nobis production provided production and nutritional advantages, without interfering in consumer’s preference
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Agostini-Costa, T.S., Wondraceck, D.D., Rocha, W.S., Silva, D.B. (2012). Carotenoids profile and total polyphenols in fruits of Pereskia aculeata Miller. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 34 (1), 234-238.
Almeida, M.E.F.D., & Corrêa, A.D. (2012). Utilização de cactáceas do gênero Pereskia na alimentação humana em um município de Minas Gerais. Ciência Rural, 42 (4), p.751-756.
Almeida, M.E.F., Junqueira, A.M.B., Simão, A.A., & Corrêa, A.D. (2014). Caracterização química das hortaliças não-convencionais conhecidas como ora-pro-nóbis. Bioscience Journal, 30, 431-439.
Ankom Tecnology. (2017, maio 19). Acid Detergent Fiber in Feeds—Filter Bag Technique (for A2000 and A2000I).
Association Official methods of analysis (2012). AOAC International. Maryland, USA: AOAC. 300p.
Botrel, N., Freitas, S., Fonseca, M.J.O., Melo, R.A.C., & Madeira, N. (2020). Valor nutricional de hortaliças folhosas não convencionais cultivadas no Bioma Cerrado. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 23.
Christensen, Z.T., Ogden, L.V., Dunn, M.L., & Eggett, D.L. (2006). Multiple comparison procedures for analysis of ranked data. Journal of Food Science Technology, 71, 132-143. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2621.2006.tb08916.x
Cruz, A.F., Savicki, A., Frentzel, A.E., Adam, I.P., Prado, L.O., Franqueto, L., & Balbi, M.E. (2020). Non-conventional edible plants: the use of “ora-pro-nobis” (Pereskia Aculeata Mill., Cactaceae) leaves in human consumption. Visão Acadêmica, 21 (3).
Garcia, J.A., Corrêa, R.C., Barros, L., Pereira, C., Abreu, R.M., Alves, M.J., Calhelha, R.C., Bracht, A., Peralta, R.M., & Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2019). Phytochemical profile and biological activities of 'Ora-pro-nobis' leaves (Pereskia aculeata Miller), an underexploited superfood from the Brazilian Atlantic. Forest Food Chemistry, 294, 302-308.
Institute of Medicine (U.S.) (Org.). (2001). DRI: Dietary reference intakes for vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc: a report of the Panel on Micronutrients ... and the Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. National Academy Press.
International Organization for Standardization (2006). ISO 8587: sensory analysis - metodology - ranking. Switzerland:ISO.
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (1979). Standard methods for the analysis of oils, fats and derivatives (6th ed.). Pergamon Press.
Hassan, S. A., Mijin, S., Yusoff, U. K., Ding, P., & Wahab, P. E. M. (2012). Nitrate, ascorbic acid, mineral and antioxidant activities of Cosmos caudatus in response to organic and mineral-based fertilizer rates. Molecules, 17(7), 7843-7853.
Hernández, V., Botella, M.Á., Hellín, P., Cava, J. Fenoll, J., Mestre, T., Martínez, V., & Flores, P. (2021). Phenolic and carotenoid profile of lamb’s lettuce and improvement of the bioactive content by preharvest conditions. Foods, 10, 188.
Lichtenthaler, H. K., & Buschmann, C. (2001). Chlorophylls and carotenoids: Measurement and characterization by UV‐VIS spectroscopy. Current protocols in food analytical chemistry, 1(1), F4-3.
Madeira, N. R., Amaro, G. B., Melo, R. A. de C. e, Botrel, N., & Rochinski, E. (2016). Cultivo de Ora-pro-nóbis (Pereskia) em Plantio Adensado sob Manejo de Colheitas Sucessivas. Embrapa Hortaliças.
Malavolta, E. (1980). Elementos de nutrição mineral de plantas. Agronômica Ceres.
Malavolta, E., Vitti, G. C., & Oliveira, S.A. (1997). Avaliação do estado nutricional das plantas. Princípios e aplicações. POTAFOS.
Martin, A. A., de Freitas, R. A., Sassaki, G. L., Evangelista, P. H. L., & Sierakowski, M. R. (2017). Chemical structure and physical-chemical properties of mucilage from the leaves of Pereskia aculeata. Food Hydrocolloids, 70, 20-28.
Martinevski, C.S, Oliveira, V.S., Rios, A.O., Flores, S.H.,Venzke, J.G. (2013). Utilization of Bertalha (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) and ora pro nobis (Pereskia aculeata Mill.) in preparing breads. Brazilian Journal of Food Nutrition, 24, 272.
Mazia, R.S. (2012). Influência do tipo de solo usado para o cultivo de Pereskia aculeata sobre propriedade proteica. Revista Saúde e Pesquisa, 5 (1), 59-65.
Mensor, L. L., Menezes, F. S., Leitão, G. G., Reis, A. S., Santos, T. C. D., Coube, C. S., & Leitão, S. G. (2001). Screening of Brazilian plant extracts for antioxidant activity by the use of DPPH free radical method. Phytotherapy research, 15(2), 127-130.
Penteado, S.R. (2008). Adubação na agricultura ecológica. Via Orgânica.
Queiroz, C. R. A., Ferreira, L., de Paiva Gomes, L. B., Melo, C. M. T., & de Andrade, R. R. (2015). Ora-pro-nóbis em uso alimentar humano: percepção sensorial. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 10(3), 16.
Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., & Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free radical biology and medicine, 26(9-10), 1231-1237. https://10.1016/s0891-5849(98)00315-3.
Singleton, V. L., & Rossi, J. A. (1965). Colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents. American journal of Enology and Viticulture, 16(3), 144-158.
Shahidi, F. & Naczk, M. (2003). Phenolics in food and nutraceuticals (2 ed.). CRC Press,
Sousa, R.M.F., Lira, C.S., Rodrigues, A.O., Morais, S.A.L., Queiroz, C.R.A.A., Chang, R., Aquino, F.J.T., Muñoz, R.A.A., & Oliveira, A. de. (2014). Atividade antioxidante de extratos de folhas de ora-pro-nóbis (Pereskia aculeata Mill.) usando métodos espectrofotométricos e voltamétricos in vitro. Bioscience Journal, 30, 448-457.
Souza, M.R.M., Pereira, P.R.G., Pereira, R.G.F., Barbosa, I.P., & Pereira, M.C.B. (2020). Protein yield and mineral contents in Pereskia aculeata under high-density planting system. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 50.
Souza, M.R.M., Pereira, P.R.G., Magalhães, I.P.B., Sediyama, M.A.N., Vidigal, S.M., Milagres, C.S.F., & Pereira, M.C.B. (2016). Teores de minerais, proteínas e nitrato em folhas de Pereskia aculeata submetida a adubação nitrogenada. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 46, p.43-50.
Taco (2011). Tabela brasileira de composição de alimentos. EdUNICAMP.
Yoshida, F. A., & Stolf, R. (2016). Mapeamento digital de atributos e classes de solos da UFSCar-Araras/SP. Revista Ciência, Tecnologia & Ambiente, 3(1), 1-11.
How to Cite
Barbosa, G. de O., Fontanetti, A., Roque, A. de A., Silva, P. P. M. da, Sala, F. C., Bettani, S. R., Spoto, M. H. F., & Verruma-Bernardi, M. R. (2024). YIELD AND POST-HARVEST QUALITY OF ORA-PRO-NÓBIS FERTILIZED WITH ORGANIC AND MINERAL FERTILIZER. Revista Univap, 30(68).
Ciências Exatas e da Terra
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Univap
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
This license allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.
The growing demand for the unconventional vegetable ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata Mill.) has stimulated its cultivation. Nevertheless, the nutritional requirement and the response of the species regarding fertilization are not yet established, especially concerning yield and post-harvest quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of organic and mineral fertilization on production, nutritional composition, bioactive compounds, the antioxidant and sensory activity of ora-pro-nobis in a dense system, and successive harvests. The plants were grown i) without fertilization (control), ii) with mineral fertilization and iii) organic fertilizer: organic compost, in a randomized block design with seven replications. The production analyses occurred at 210, 270 and 330 days after seedling transplanting (DAT). The mineral composition and protein contents in the leaves were evaluated at 210 DAT and 330 DAT, and the biochemical and sensory analyses, at 330 DAT. Mineral fertilization was the most efficient in providing nutrients and increasing the productivity of ora-pro-nobis leaves. When fertilized with mineral fertilizer, ora-pro-nobis presented higher P, K, S, and fiber contents at 210 DAT, and higher values for phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Fertilizers did not alter the protein content and sensory characteristics of the ora-pro-nobis leaves. Mineral fertilization in ora-pro-nobis production provided production and nutritional advantages, without interfering in consumer’s preference
Agostini-Costa, T.S., Wondraceck, D.D., Rocha, W.S., Silva, D.B. (2012). Carotenoids profile and total polyphenols in fruits of Pereskia aculeata Miller. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 34 (1), 234-238.
Almeida, M.E.F.D., & Corrêa, A.D. (2012). Utilização de cactáceas do gênero Pereskia na alimentação humana em um município de Minas Gerais. Ciência Rural, 42 (4), p.751-756.
Almeida, M.E.F., Junqueira, A.M.B., Simão, A.A., & Corrêa, A.D. (2014). Caracterização química das hortaliças não-convencionais conhecidas como ora-pro-nóbis. Bioscience Journal, 30, 431-439.
Ankom Tecnology. (2017, maio 19). Acid Detergent Fiber in Feeds—Filter Bag Technique (for A2000 and A2000I).
Association Official methods of analysis (2012). AOAC International. Maryland, USA: AOAC. 300p.
Botrel, N., Freitas, S., Fonseca, M.J.O., Melo, R.A.C., & Madeira, N. (2020). Valor nutricional de hortaliças folhosas não convencionais cultivadas no Bioma Cerrado. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 23.
Christensen, Z.T., Ogden, L.V., Dunn, M.L., & Eggett, D.L. (2006). Multiple comparison procedures for analysis of ranked data. Journal of Food Science Technology, 71, 132-143. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2621.2006.tb08916.x
Cruz, A.F., Savicki, A., Frentzel, A.E., Adam, I.P., Prado, L.O., Franqueto, L., & Balbi, M.E. (2020). Non-conventional edible plants: the use of “ora-pro-nobis” (Pereskia Aculeata Mill., Cactaceae) leaves in human consumption. Visão Acadêmica, 21 (3).
Garcia, J.A., Corrêa, R.C., Barros, L., Pereira, C., Abreu, R.M., Alves, M.J., Calhelha, R.C., Bracht, A., Peralta, R.M., & Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2019). Phytochemical profile and biological activities of 'Ora-pro-nobis' leaves (Pereskia aculeata Miller), an underexploited superfood from the Brazilian Atlantic. Forest Food Chemistry, 294, 302-308.
Institute of Medicine (U.S.) (Org.). (2001). DRI: Dietary reference intakes for vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc: a report of the Panel on Micronutrients ... and the Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. National Academy Press.
International Organization for Standardization (2006). ISO 8587: sensory analysis - metodology - ranking. Switzerland:ISO.
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (1979). Standard methods for the analysis of oils, fats and derivatives (6th ed.). Pergamon Press.
Hassan, S. A., Mijin, S., Yusoff, U. K., Ding, P., & Wahab, P. E. M. (2012). Nitrate, ascorbic acid, mineral and antioxidant activities of Cosmos caudatus in response to organic and mineral-based fertilizer rates. Molecules, 17(7), 7843-7853.
Hernández, V., Botella, M.Á., Hellín, P., Cava, J. Fenoll, J., Mestre, T., Martínez, V., & Flores, P. (2021). Phenolic and carotenoid profile of lamb’s lettuce and improvement of the bioactive content by preharvest conditions. Foods, 10, 188.
Lichtenthaler, H. K., & Buschmann, C. (2001). Chlorophylls and carotenoids: Measurement and characterization by UV‐VIS spectroscopy. Current protocols in food analytical chemistry, 1(1), F4-3.
Madeira, N. R., Amaro, G. B., Melo, R. A. de C. e, Botrel, N., & Rochinski, E. (2016). Cultivo de Ora-pro-nóbis (Pereskia) em Plantio Adensado sob Manejo de Colheitas Sucessivas. Embrapa Hortaliças.
Malavolta, E. (1980). Elementos de nutrição mineral de plantas. Agronômica Ceres.
Malavolta, E., Vitti, G. C., & Oliveira, S.A. (1997). Avaliação do estado nutricional das plantas. Princípios e aplicações. POTAFOS.
Martin, A. A., de Freitas, R. A., Sassaki, G. L., Evangelista, P. H. L., & Sierakowski, M. R. (2017). Chemical structure and physical-chemical properties of mucilage from the leaves of Pereskia aculeata. Food Hydrocolloids, 70, 20-28.
Martinevski, C.S, Oliveira, V.S., Rios, A.O., Flores, S.H.,Venzke, J.G. (2013). Utilization of Bertalha (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) and ora pro nobis (Pereskia aculeata Mill.) in preparing breads. Brazilian Journal of Food Nutrition, 24, 272.
Mazia, R.S. (2012). Influência do tipo de solo usado para o cultivo de Pereskia aculeata sobre propriedade proteica. Revista Saúde e Pesquisa, 5 (1), 59-65.
Mensor, L. L., Menezes, F. S., Leitão, G. G., Reis, A. S., Santos, T. C. D., Coube, C. S., & Leitão, S. G. (2001). Screening of Brazilian plant extracts for antioxidant activity by the use of DPPH free radical method. Phytotherapy research, 15(2), 127-130.
Penteado, S.R. (2008). Adubação na agricultura ecológica. Via Orgânica.
Queiroz, C. R. A., Ferreira, L., de Paiva Gomes, L. B., Melo, C. M. T., & de Andrade, R. R. (2015). Ora-pro-nóbis em uso alimentar humano: percepção sensorial. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 10(3), 16.
Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., & Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free radical biology and medicine, 26(9-10), 1231-1237. https://10.1016/s0891-5849(98)00315-3.
Singleton, V. L., & Rossi, J. A. (1965). Colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents. American journal of Enology and Viticulture, 16(3), 144-158.
Shahidi, F. & Naczk, M. (2003). Phenolics in food and nutraceuticals (2 ed.). CRC Press,
Sousa, R.M.F., Lira, C.S., Rodrigues, A.O., Morais, S.A.L., Queiroz, C.R.A.A., Chang, R., Aquino, F.J.T., Muñoz, R.A.A., & Oliveira, A. de. (2014). Atividade antioxidante de extratos de folhas de ora-pro-nóbis (Pereskia aculeata Mill.) usando métodos espectrofotométricos e voltamétricos in vitro. Bioscience Journal, 30, 448-457.
Souza, M.R.M., Pereira, P.R.G., Pereira, R.G.F., Barbosa, I.P., & Pereira, M.C.B. (2020). Protein yield and mineral contents in Pereskia aculeata under high-density planting system. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 50.
Souza, M.R.M., Pereira, P.R.G., Magalhães, I.P.B., Sediyama, M.A.N., Vidigal, S.M., Milagres, C.S.F., & Pereira, M.C.B. (2016). Teores de minerais, proteínas e nitrato em folhas de Pereskia aculeata submetida a adubação nitrogenada. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 46, p.43-50.
Taco (2011). Tabela brasileira de composição de alimentos. EdUNICAMP.
Yoshida, F. A., & Stolf, R. (2016). Mapeamento digital de atributos e classes de solos da UFSCar-Araras/SP. Revista Ciência, Tecnologia & Ambiente, 3(1), 1-11.
How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Univap
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
This license allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.