Editorial policy

Aims and scope
Revista Univap (e-ISSN 2237-1753 and DOI: 10.18066) is a publication of the University of Vale do Paraíba, whose objective is to disseminate scientific articles produced by professors from the Institution and from other Higher Education Institutions.

It publishes regular editions every six months, in continuous flow. It opens up opportunities for special editions with specific themes or works from scientific events in the context of academic cooperation agreements and texts from invited conferences. The works in these numbers undergo a new evaluation process.

Open access policy

The Revista Univap On-line is open access and is registered in databases, directories and indexing portals, namely:
DiadorimDOAJDRJIGoogle ScholarIbict SEEROasisbrLatindex DiretórioPortal de Periódicos CapesQualis-PeriódicosRedib, Sumários.org e Web of Science.

Digital preservation
The journal's data are preserved in the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services (Cariniana), through the LOCKSS system.