Information For Authors

The Univap Journal informs that:

  • It accepts article submissions on a rolling basis and also opens opportunities for special calls, which are announced in the "About/News" menu.
  • Literature review articles are not accepted.
  • Please consult the General Publication Guidelines: and the Template: for formatting your work. In Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge browsers, right-click on the link and select "Save link as..." to download the template.
  • Authors must strictly follow the instructions in the Template/Model and include their ORCID number in the Metadata section of the submission process.

Required documents for submission:

a) Conflict of Interest Declaration:
This must be completed, signed, and submitted through Step 4 of the submission process. No article will be published in the Univap Journal without meeting this requirement.
Conflict of Interest Declaration..

b) Translation Responsibility Declaration (for English/Spanish translations):
Authors must provide a Translation Responsibility Declaration for English/Spanish translations, signed by a professional translator.
Translation Responsibility Declaration.

We recommend the following translators; however, the choice is at the author's discretion:

  • English language: Recommended contact: cpotraducao.
  • Spanish language: Recommended contact: traducao.

c) Document Indicating Three Reviewers:
This document should include the names, email addresses, and Lattes profiles of three reviewers with expertise in the field.