About Journal
1. Aims & Scope
Revista Univap (Rev. Univap) (e-ISSN 2237-1753 e DOI: publishes works of an interdisciplinary scientific nature, disseminating research and academic studies, and aims to give visibility to the triple mission of the university, which is to provide teaching, research and extension, in an inseparable way.
Through this dissemination, it becomes a way of encouraging research and seeks the involvement of professors and students in research and reflections of social, educational, scientific or technological interest.
2. Journal History
Its printed version (ISSN 1517-3275), edited between 1993-2010, published 28 issues, with a total of 298 published articles. Since 2011, it has adopted the OJS platform, and since then, it has published 39 issues, with over 350 articles, all assigned a DOI.
In 2024, the Revista Univap published its first edition exclusively in English, aiming for greater reach and visibility, as well as recognition within the scientific community.
3. Code of ethics
Revista Univap adopts the Research Evaluation Statement (DORA*) as a code of ethics and international recommendations “recognizing the need to improve the ways in which academic research results are evaluated”. (DORA, 2021).
*San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), https://sfdora.org/.
4. Open access policy
Univap On-line Journal is open access and registered in databases, directories and indexing portals, namely: Diadorim, DOAJ, DRJI, Google Scholar, Ibict SEER, Latindex Diretório, Portal de Periódicos Capes, Qualis-Periódicos, Redib, Sumários.org e Web of Science.
5. Digital preservation
The journal's data are preserved in the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services (Cariniana), through the LOCKSS system.