Submission Preparation Checklist


Articles and reviews submitted to the Revista Univap, through the website, must meet the criteria below.


1. The File (.DOCx or .RTF format) to be submitted to Revista Univap (Step 2 - Uploading the Submission- Transferência do Manuscrito) must contain the name(s) of author(s) to ensure the integrity of the double-blind peer review process.

2. Complete author’s information - Name (s) of author (s), their highest academic degree, their institution, full postal address, a position the author(s) holds (m), and e-mail and ORCID must be filled out for article submission (Step 3 – Inclusion of Metadata - Inclusão de Metadados).

3. For illustrations (photographs, maps, graphs, tables, flowcharts, charts, diagrams, schematics, etc.), it is necessary that, in addition to being included in the article, the original files are also sent separately as a digital file, (Step 4 - Uploading Supplementary Documents - Transferência de Documentos Suplementares). The scanned images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The illustrations and tables should be numbered in accordance with their respective references in the text, and titles written without abbreviations, in the reference font size 11 and single line spacing. All tables and illustrations should show the original source of the data. Avoid using words like "below", "above" to refer to tables and illustrations. Take, for example, according to Table 5; according to Figure 2.


1. Layout:

Articles should be prepared in A4 format, top and left  margins 3 cm, right and bottom margins 2 cm, single lines, Arial font, size 12, with the exception of illustrations, tables, notes, and indented direct quotes, whose font is 10. Between paragraphs should be 1.00 from the margin. The text should be justified. Articles must have a minimum length of 5000 words and a maximum of 8000 words..

2. Elements:

2.1 Pre-textual

a) Title and subtitle (if any): must appear in the opening text, separated by spaces and in the language of the text.

b) Title and subtitle (if any), in a foreign language.

c) Abstract in the language of the text, should be presented in the third person singular, active voice and written in a single paragraph, with length 100-250 words.

d) Abstract in a foreign language: version of abstract of the language of the text translated into a foreign language, using the same characteristics (Resumo in Portuguese, Abstract in English, Resumen in Spanish, Résumé in French).

e) Keywords in language of the text: words that represent the main issues in the text (between 3 and 5 words); must appear below the abstract, preceded by the expression Keywords: separated by semicolons and terminated by a period.

f) Foreign language keywords: Same Keywords as in the language of the text translated into the same foreign language as the abstract (Palavras-chave in Portuguese, Keywords in English, Palabras clave in Spanish, Mots-clés in French).

2.2 Textual

a) Introduction: the delimitation of the topic, research objectives, and other elements on the subject are explained.

b) Body: the main part of the document, presenting the subject matter in an orderly manner. It can be divided into sections and subsections, according to the topic discussed.

c) Conclusion: a survey of the results to answer the questions presented in the introduction; Conclusion is used as the title word.

2.3 Post-textual

a) Footnotes: intended to provide clarification. Some considerations that should not be included in the text to not interrupt the logical reading sequence. Refer to comments and/or personal observations of the author, and are used to indicate data on personal communication.

The notes are kept to a minimum and located at the end of the page. To emphasize footnotes, use the Arabic numerals, bold, superscript, with consecutive numbering throughout the pages. Example of a note: Municipalities, following the evolution of the technique and costumes.1

b) References should be placed at the end of the work, sorted alphabetically by author surname, aligned to the left margin, single-spaced with double spacing between them, observing the NBR 6023 (Brazilian Association Standards, 2002).

3. For quotes, NBR 10520 (Brazilian Association Standards, 2002) should be observed; short quotations up to three lines should be part of the text surrounded by quotation marks; long quotations should be indented 4 cm from the left margin, font size 10, single-spaced, without quotation marks. For citations in the text, use the author-date system and/or author-date-page as examples: (VALLEJO, 1988, p 87.), Or: According to Vallejo (1988, p 87.), the guidelines [...]

4. Titles should be numbered in Arabic numerals, Introduction to the Conclusion, and subtitle (if any) obeying the following hierarchy:


1.1 Second Section
1.1.1 Third Section Fourth Section Fifth Section

5. Words in a foreign language should be italicized.

6. A list of references must be presented at the end of the work, in alphabetical order by last name(s) of author(s) as in the following examples:

a) Book: SURNAME, Given Name. Title of the work. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
Example: PÉCORA, A. Problemas de redação. 4.ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1992.

b) Book Chapter: SURNAME, Given name. Title of chapter. In: SURNAME, First name (ed.). Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, date. start and end pages.
Example: LACOSTE, Y. Liquidar a geografia... liquidar a ideia nacional? In: VESENTIN, J. W. (Org.). Geografia e ensino: textos críticos. Campinas: Papirus, 1989. p.31-82.

c) Journal article: SURNAME, Given name. Title of article. Journal title, place of publication, the journal volume, issue number, start and end pages, month(s). year.
Example: ALMEIDA JÚNIOR, M. A economia brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Economia, São Paulo, v. 11, n. 1, p. 26-28, jan./fev. 1995.

d) Dissertations, Theses, and Academic Works: SURNAME, Given name. Title of dissertation (or thesis). Location. Number of pages (category, degree, and area of concentration). Institution in which it was defended. date.
Example: BRAZ, A. L. Efeito da luz na faixa espectral do visível em adultos sadios. 2002. 1 disco laser. Dissertação (Mestrado em Bioengenharia) - Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento. Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, São José dos Campos, 2002.

e) Other cases: Consult the APA standards for References. See the tab above: Standard for references


a) The article must be original, following the editorial of the journal. It will be submitted to the editorial staff, with the omission of the name of the author and reviewers during the double-blind review process (the author does not know who the reviewer is and the reviewer is also unaware of who the author is). After the process, should the need arise, the reviewers can propose changes aimed at improving the work, with the goal of publishing it. If the changes are too extensive, reviewers may justifiably reject the article. Originals will not be returned.

b) The work of authors and consultants will not be paid.


The journal is published in electronic format (PDF), available on the internet page of the Journal. Access to articles, reviews, reports of experiences, and other texts will be permitted; however, no marketing and/or alteration of data are permitted. Thus, the authors are aware of the assignment of their copyright to the Journal for publication.
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